

The central coast of Texas is full of great migrant traps. Blucher Park is an easily accessible one right in the center of Corpus Christi. Unfortunately this means it also home to some seedy characters and lots of homeless folks, but the birding is still great. I would recommend you don't visit this park late in the evening on your own and if birding there probably best to hang out with other birders (there are usually a bunch there).

I spent a few hours there earlier this week and there were lots of 'southern' songbirds. This male Summer Tanager was one of several present.

Blucher is a great place for ground dwelling warblers including tough ones like waterthrushes. We had great views of Louisiana Waterthrush and at least TEN Worm-eating Warblers including several point blank lengthy studies.

Other flashier warblers including this male Hooded. We had about a dozen of these plus a comparable number of Kentucky Warblers. This bird is always a stunner no matter how common.

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